Mittwoch, 14. Mai 2014

Polar research in summer

The RACEPAC campaign wants to investigate the role of clouds in the phenomenon of Arctic Amplification - the intensified warming in the Arctic due to rapid melting of sea ice. 
The above photo, taken at a recent BBQ in front of our row houses, gives first insights into current weather conditions in Inuvik. During the last two days, warm air masses influenced our weather and yesterday temperatures rose to +20°C (yes, the sign is +). Perfect conditions for T-shirt and jandals. We were all amazed by the summerly weather, but a look back in history shows that we barely came close to the record temperature for the month May in Inuvik of 34°C (12th May 1971). Nevertheless, we witnessed something very remarkable: after having reached 20°C, a cold front passed Inuvik and temperatures dropped close to 0°C and it started to snow - perfect conditions for warm coats and heavy boots. Summer and winter on the same day. Of course, we prefer colder temperatures to get better measurement conditions for mixed-phase clouds, but especially for BBQs warm weather is highly appreciated.

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